Highways (Roads and Pavements)
Kent Highways
Kent Highway Services is the part of Kent County Council that looks after the county's roads, pavements and cycleways.
The unit deals with highway maintenance and responds to highway emergencies 24 hours a day. They also monitor traffic and use measures to reduce road congestion.
To report problems - direct to Kent Highways:
Use the on-line form on the Highways website at www.kent.gov.uk/highways;
or call
03000 418 181 (Monday – Friday 9am and 5pm);

or for "out of hours" serious emergencies call
03000 419191.

Report a Local Problem with FixMyStreet
FixMyStreet is a free service primarily for reporting local things which are broken or dirty or damaged or dumped, and need fixing, cleaning or clearing. These can include: Abandoned vehicles; Dog Fouling; Flyposting or graffiti; Flytipping or litter; Streetcleaning, such as broken glass in a cycle lane; Unlit lamposts; and Potholes.
You can report, view or discuss these things at www.fixmystreet.com. Just click on the link or the picture and then enter a nearby GB postcode, or street name and area, locate the problem on a map of the area and then enter details of the problem. You can also add a photo if you have one. The website then sends it to the council on your behalf.
To see a summary of previous reports to our local councils, please click on the appropriate link: Dover District Council Kent County Council